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Saturday, August 4, 2007


At High Point, one of the terms that kind of stuck with me, was baggage. This was Pastor Sam's word for all the things we've done in our past that we bring to Christ. He told us to completely forget about this baggage, because in Christ's eyes, it is as far as the east is from the west. Then later in the week, one of our co-councilors gave a devotion straght from Phillippians 3, and encouraged us to forget about our past, and look forward to the things that God has for our future. Right now, after an exausting time distributing VBS flyers, and an interesting party, I have been connecting both of those things. As far as VBS is concerned, it seems that nobody wants to be the one to say something. Well, let me be the one. Our VBS program has been useless over the past few years. But, that is no excuse to give up. I believe that we need to forget about VBS last year, and that year before, and so on, and LOOK FORWARD to the program this year, and come to it with passion, and dilligence, and the mentality of forgetting where we've been. I think we need to abandon the baggage, the obstacles, and the failures, lower our shoulders, and push into the end-zone!


Coop said...


John said...

Lets make this VBS a bang :)

Anonymous said...

This year's VBS was awesome, in my opinion! It is true that last year wasn't as great as far as participation and turnout, so I am so happy that we were able to have success this year.
Interesting thought..I have been lately thinking about the level to which God forgivess us, and I keep going back to passages in Matthew, as well as the metaphor of God removing our sins as far as the "east is to the west." It is an unfathomable thought. :)