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Friday, June 29, 2007


Port Royal Island, SC
3 Feb. 1779
Maj. Gen. Moultrie defeated British detachment.
Kettle Creek, GA
14 Feb. 1779

Andrew Pickens and Elijah Clarke and their Georgia and Carolina militia defeated North Carolina Loyalist militia who were travelling to Augusta to joint the British forces.
Vincennes, IN
24 Feb. 1779
Loyalists and Indians recaptured Vincennes, but George Rogers Clark forced them to retreat. On July 23, 1966, Congress recognized the importance of Vincennes by creating George Rogers Clark National Historical Park.
Brier Creek, GA
3 Mar. 1779

British Lt.Col. Prevost defeated Americans under Gen. John Ashe.
Siege of Charleston, SC
11-13 May 1779
Maj. Gen. A. Prevost had to break his siege when American forces under Maj.Gen.Lincoln approached.
Stono River, SC
20 June 1779
Maj. Gen. Lincoln engaged a British rear guard. Battle indecisive but many casualties.
Stony Point, NY
16 July 1
American attacked with bayonets only. Extensive British casualties.
Newtown, NY
29 Aug. 1779

29 Aug. 1779 After 2 terrible massacres, American forces moved into Indian territory and burned villages. Iroquois and Seneca power was diminished although they remained hostile.
Castine, ME
July-Aug. 1779

American attempt to dislodge British along the Penobscot River failed.
Paulus Hook, NJ
19 Aug. 1779
Successful American surprise attack on British outpost.
16 Sept.-19 Oct 1779

American Army under Maj. Gen. Lincoln failed to dislodge British from Savannah.
Morristown, NJ
Winter 1779- 1780

Sheltered the main encampments of the American Continental Army and served as the winter quarters of its commander-in-chief, General George Washington. On March 2, 1933, Congress recognized the importance of Morristown by creating Morristown National Historical Park.


Coop said...

Btw, I voted (yes) on ur poll. She will prolly be the next president... regardless of the sinful morals contained in that fact.

Coop said...

Hey... you copied Sophie with that lyrics thing! You zuzu!

Joshua Bradbury said...

Ok, I'm not exactly sure what a "zuzu" is, but yeah, I guess in a way I did. It looks good. My vote on the poll would be a %100 yes...unfourtunately. On a positive note though Eric, your grandfather would be pleased... Lol!

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