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Friday, November 30, 2007

A Long Day

It is 8:34 AM. I am in school right now, and I am done. I am done every single piece of work that I was assigned today. I have shop until 11:00. Needless to say, I think this day will be a long one for me.

I'll keep myself busy by playing Mini Putt. This is one of the only fun, online games that my school's blocking software will allow. My lowest score is 24. Can anyone beat it?

In other news, we finally have a a new car! It is really nice. It's a '98 Honda Oddessy. Of course, I haven't really seen it in daylight yet, only because we bought it and drove it at night. I heard that Eric had fun messing around in it while it was at there house, and whether he did or didn't, I wouldn't put it past him.

The only downside to the new car is the old one. I felt so sad last night, taking the plates off of the old one, and locking up the car doors one last time. Driving away, and watching that car sit there, alone, was heartbreaking. Our family has had that car for almost 10 years. It was depressing to have to just, leave it there.


Aaron C said...

Hey, nice new header! This was my old blogger template...I'm thinking of changing it back.

Believe it or not, I miss you old care too. It just defines you Bradburys. I'll be probably still be looking for that white van to see if you guys are there when we get to church for several months...

Coop said...

yep I messed around with it. I tried putting a stick of dynamite in the gas tank, but it didn't fit :(. :

Nice new clock, btw.

Joshua Bradbury said...

I have been waiting for ANYONE to comment on this blog, AND THE MOMENT HAS FINALLY COME!!!

Yeah, now that you mention it, that car was kind of a marker, that told people that the Bradbury's were there. It was sad to see it go.

Eric, ummmmmm....

Zuzusmoosher said...

Lol, you guys are great.