Is it just me, or did this year go by extremely fast? It seems like just yesterday, I was at a party at my house eating Chinese food, celebrating the new year, 2007. Even thinking all the way back to the month I got this blog, (June 2007) I'm amazed at how fast the year has flown by. I have a lot of things to be thankful for, and I know you all do to. What will you remember about this past year? What was good about it? Bad? What has God taught you tis year? What are you looking forward to, concerning '08? Please comment, and I will do my best to respond...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 10:32 AM 6 comments
Friday, November 30, 2007
A Long Day
It is 8:34 AM. I am in school right now, and I am done. I am done every single piece of work that I was assigned today. I have shop until 11:00. Needless to say, I think this day will be a long one for me.
I'll keep myself busy by playing Mini Putt. This is one of the only fun, online games that my school's blocking software will allow. My lowest score is 24. Can anyone beat it?
In other news, we finally have a a new car! It is really nice. It's a '98 Honda Oddessy. Of course, I haven't really seen it in daylight yet, only because we bought it and drove it at night. I heard that Eric had fun messing around in it while it was at there house, and whether he did or didn't, I wouldn't put it past him.
The only downside to the new car is the old one. I felt so sad last night, taking the plates off of the old one, and locking up the car doors one last time. Driving away, and watching that car sit there, alone, was heartbreaking. Our family has had that car for almost 10 years. It was depressing to have to just, leave it there.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 5:29 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm sitting here on my bed, with my laptop on my lap, typing... and I am stuffed. I can barely keep my eyes open, but I feel bad about not posting for a week or two, so here you go.
The Wednesday Testimony/Pie service went well. I'm glad I got to share a testimony last night, and I definitely enjoyed hearing from those of you readers that were there as well. The pie was good, and the dodgeball was good too. (Even though Jenny almost took me out in both games.) It was good to see the Guggers there last night. Seeing and talking with Danny brought back a lot of memories from a long time ago.
Football this morning was also fun. A few of the calls were the most absurd things I've ever seen! (And believe me, I've seen some pretty absurd things!) I saw some things I didn't need to see, that I have too much decency to post about on a published website, so we won't go any further. Overall, this week has been pretty fun.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
"Work Faithfully"
Saturday is the church's Bi-Annual Work Day. This one is always a little more fun than the spring one, because of a few things. The first, is that it brings a lot of the young men together to do a faithful work for the church. Normally, doing work is not something I look forward to. But for some reason, doing it with my friends makes it fun. I also enjoy cleaning the chandelier shades with Mr. Denno. Contrary to popular opinion, Mr. Denno is a pretty nice guy to hang around with. :P I also like to jump into the leaves when they are all raked up. Once again, :P
Soldier on Wednesday was pretty fun. I ran right into Steven by mistake, but we all make mistakes, right? Anyway, I was being chased by someone, and I tripped, fell, and got my wrist bruised and swollen, and I have some very bad scrapes. It was fun though. I played with NO sweatshirt, so I don't want to hear ANYTHING about me shivering, or being cold, or being a baby! lol What do you think of Work Day, is it fun? Is it boring? Feel free to comment...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 1:37 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Half-days, Wednesdays, and Saturdays...
Half Days, are awesome. I'm in school now, it's about 10:05, and I get out today at 10:30! I plan on going home, drinking a large amount of Coca-Cola, playing some Madden, and topping it all off with using my computer.
Prayer Meeting last night was awesome. Pastor Eric's message from 2nd Kings, about taking a stand was not only edifying as usual, it was down-right energizing. Soldier was also energizing, (just, in a different way...) I took out Corey, and Steven, which is... not something that happens all the time. I've been running alot more lately, and I think the extra training on my leg muscles has helped my speed and endurance.
There's a teen activity coming up soon, and I am pumped! For those of you who still are in the dark about what we're doing, let me turn on a light for you. We'll be playing football! I can't wait! It should be pretty fun, as long as I don't tackle a certain someone...
Comment on anything accept for the tackling thing... even though I can smell Corey and Eric's comments a mile away....
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 7:06 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Student of the Month
I am not sure how long this has been up, but feel free to check it out:
The fourth one down is me, Joshua Bradbury, September 2007 Student of the month.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:14 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Another In-School Post
Hey, what's up everyone? I'm posting from school again. Today has been boring. I finished all the assigned work for this morning, and was playing this cool game for a while, when I decided, I should post. I was trying to think of things to post about, when I noticed that the thing I post the most about, Is not having anything to post about!
Yesterday I had an eye appointment, during which my eyes were checked, numbed, and shot at with a laser. Sounds funny, eh? I'll be getting contacts in a few months, and I needed to get a new prescription so they could be up-to-date. He had to test my eyes for glaucoma, and to do so, he dropped a liquid into my eyes, which made them, and my whole face, numb. He did a few more things, and then I was done.
What do you think about me getting contacts? I am definitely getting them, but I was just wondering if you had any thoughts or opinions.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:01 AM 5 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
I am posting from in school again today. It's kind of funny to go home and read it, and think about what was going on when I wrote it, but... who cares.
Today, I found out some very good news. In January, I'll have an opportunity to compete on a school, state, and then national level in the SkillsUSA Speech division. This might not seem important to any of you, but I have been waiting for this opportunity for over a year!
This is like Eric getting into his football league, or John getting into his Counterstrike league again. Sorry if I got that wrong ;-)
Well, anyway, I'd love to stay and chat, but the teacher is coming, so let's just publish this baby and get it over with! Feel free to comment on anything, please.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:07 AM 17 comments
Labels: SkillsUSA
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Tastefully Simple
So, yeah, I haven't made a post in a while, "my bad." I can't think of anything to talk about, so I guess I'll just talk about last night. From about 5:30 to 9-ish, my mom was hosting one of those "tastefully simple" parties. It was pretty fun. I stayed in my room more than half the night talking on the phone, and using my laptop, but when I went out, it was awesome, and I stayed out...
One thing I couldn't help but notice though, was, that my house was jam-packed! The last time it was that full was the day we moved in, when almost everyone from the church was there. It was kind of fun to see the house come alive, so to speak.
I definitely want to do it again, but my mom thought it was too much work making several dips and breads the night before, lol. I was thinking about having all the teens over our house for an after-glow, or a sunday afternoon or something like that. Who would be up for it? Who understands what I meant about the house coming alive? Please comment, because honestly, I don't even think anyone checks this blog anymore...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 6:26 AM 7 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
I'm in school right now. It's about 11:40, I just got back from lunch, and since I'm finished all the work I could possibly do, I decided to post. One of the things that came to my mind today was the Corn Maze Teen Activity. It sounds fun, especially since it's a new location this year, but I can't help but notice how "unskilled" our church is at handling traditions. The Teen boys retreat, that we all thought would last forever, lasted two years. Among other things are High Point (because there's a good chance we won't be going next year) and the Teen Sleepover. What do you think? Are there other good "traditions" that you wish we still had? Please feel free to comment...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: Maze
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My New Blog
I apologize to those of you who have tried to get into my blog and been restricted today, Thursday the 20th. I was making some big changes to the page, and I had to lock it to prevent some unwanted things from happening.
On the brighter side though, I have completely renovated my old blog! I have a new design, theme, and arrangement of elements. If you have checked this blog from it's creation date, up until now, you know the drill! :-D Tell me what you think. Good? Bad? Ugly? If so, why? Those comments will be very much appreciated!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 4:57 PM 6 comments
Monday, September 3, 2007
Summer is over. I don't know about you, but mine was great. High Point was awesome, VBS was cool, my laptop is awesome and cool, but out of all the things hat happened this summer, I will miss Philippians. Last Sunday night was supposedly our last message from Philippians. Next week will be a review of all we've learned, but Philippians has become my friend over the past years. It will be sad to let go of it, but, as with anything sad in life, you must look on the bright side. I've learned to not worry about money, to be content whatever my state, to forget all, and move on for the cause of our Lord's gospel, and much more.
All in all, this summer was amazing in every sense of the word. I thank God for the good times, and the bad times this summer. There were definitely many of both.
For pictures from my friend Aaron's trips this summer, click here.
For some pictures of the Teen Boy's trip to High Point Camp, click here.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:01 AM 16 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Enthusiasm II
I guess I really haven't had any enthusiasm to post lately. I have been using most of my computer time to keep track of my Facebook, and I'm pretty competent in my skills using it, so it seems a lot more exciting than my blog. The truth is, I don't really have much to post about. I guess I could talk about that game of GDB last night. I was surprised how good I played, actually. I made 6 catches, and made a good %75 of the shots I threw. it was fun. Another thing too... If anyone want's a copy of the VBS trailer that I made, just leave a comment about it, and I will get it to you as soon as possible.
P.S. I will open up the anonymous comments option so you can make a post if you read this and don't have blogger. Your Welcome!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:14 PM 4 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
"You Are Holy"
This is from the second of Michael W. Smith's Worship concerts in 2002. We sang this song down at High Point. It was new to most, but I knew it from this. I think there's a few other of his songs on Youtube...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I Can't Wait!
I CAN'T WAIT!! VBS has had it's share of failures over the past few years, but it has always been a blast. I have to admit that- it has always been a blast. Besides, from what I hear, and what I've done, I have a good feeling about numbers this year. I'm doing all the computer work for the program. I have registered 9 new kids over the phone! That number alone is more than we've had in the past decade combined! I can't even imagine the blessing our Lord has is store for us this week!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:42 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Back To School
I HATE this time of the year. It's almost time for me to go back to school. I think I have about two more weeks of freedom left. I'm looking forward to working in Office Tech, but as far as most of my other classes, I am really NOT looking forward to it. This is one of those times where I wish I was homeschooled. I wouldn't have to deal with going out early in the morning, to a place where my torch is constantly being put out. At the same time, I am very thankfull that I go to a school where I can meet new people, participate in sports, and receive special training in an occupational area. I might be sparking a heated debate here, but what do you think? Which method of schooling is better?
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 11:35 AM 3 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
At High Point, one of the terms that kind of stuck with me, was baggage. This was Pastor Sam's word for all the things we've done in our past that we bring to Christ. He told us to completely forget about this baggage, because in Christ's eyes, it is as far as the east is from the west. Then later in the week, one of our co-councilors gave a devotion straght from Phillippians 3, and encouraged us to forget about our past, and look forward to the things that God has for our future. Right now, after an exausting time distributing VBS flyers, and an interesting party, I have been connecting both of those things. As far as VBS is concerned, it seems that nobody wants to be the one to say something. Well, let me be the one. Our VBS program has been useless over the past few years. But, that is no excuse to give up. I believe that we need to forget about VBS last year, and that year before, and so on, and LOOK FORWARD to the program this year, and come to it with passion, and dilligence, and the mentality of forgetting where we've been. I think we need to abandon the baggage, the obstacles, and the failures, lower our shoulders, and push into the end-zone!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 5:50 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Your Opinion
I want your opinion on my new blog colors. Should I keep it like this? Should I go back to the minima light theme? Tell me what you think, please.
P.S. Aaron, I still believe that you are incorrect. I asked my councilor in the last email I sent him. The fight is not yet over...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 5:21 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
"We Are What?!"
I am back from high point! It has truly been an amazing week in every sense of the word. I enjoyed last year's speaker more, but Sam Harbin (pictured left) was also a very skilled man. The messages that stuck me the most were the two about "torch lighting" and "living for eternity." The activities were outrageously fun, and one of the best things of all- they serve Coca-Cola! The title to the post was one of the cheers we did before the service, and had to be my favorite. (anyone who has seen We Are Marshall understands the line) The week was great, and I understand that my HP post will probably be the shortest of them all. Anyone with a question, a comment, or even any type of a concern, comment on the post.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 6:34 PM 8 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The Moment We've ALL Been Waiting For!
The time is finally here! Tomorrow morning, 7 of the teens from CBC will be embarking on a Lord Willing, life changing journey, to Pennsylvania. It is my heart's true prayer that we will be encouraged, strengthened, edified, "shaken, and stirred," refreshed, and ultimately drawn closer to the One who has, does, and will continue to bless and refine His people. Well, I guess this is it. Pray for safety, and a great time. I'll see you all when I get back!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 2:55 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
For the past week, I have felt very little, to no enthusiasm when it comes to posting on my blog. Don't think I have nothing to post about though. Tonight, is Prayer Meeting. Thursday, is my "last day to work on my color before high point". Haha! two people have told me that I'm so white, that when I go swimming at HP, those swimming with me will need to wear protective sunglasses. I guess in a way, I'm whiter than snow. I know. Not Funny. But hey, at least I try. Friday is the Caudill's house, and then the Coopers, Saturday is the Church's Cookout, Sunday is two service's with Jenny's birthday party in between, then Monday, is.... well.... you know. It has taken all my might to not go crazy with the High Point topic. I'll try to post a little more before HP. I fear however, that the enthusiasm will be there, and the time will not. Where there's a will, there's a way...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 8:56 AM 3 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Today was the day of Beka's party. (Unless you are reading this on Sunday or after that) I had a great time at the party. We played Ultimate Football, had a Water Balloon Toss, and played that always popular, "Cat in the Hat" game. I guess that the day got me thinking about my own life. Maybe this is kind of sentimental to be posting on a blog, but I can't help but notice how much we've all grown up. It seems like just yesterday that the teen boys were going on a retreat to Maine, or half the helpers were actually in the program, instead of managing it. Congratulations to Beka, on her acheivement of her "Faith Christian Academy" High-School Diploma!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I had a great time at the After-Glow on Sunday. That Ping-Pong baseball game was very creative, and from what I have heared, it was designed on a spur-of-the-moment type of timeline. It was cool to see the pictures of Bekah and Jenny's trip to Pittsburg too. It was a smart idea to have the pictures displayed on the projector, as opposed to the laptop screen. One of the ideas that a friend and I had, was, a game of Age of Empires on the projector. How sweet would that be?! Pictionary was pretty fun, and in case you are wondering, my team won! LOL! Anyway, see you all at Prayer Meeting tonight!
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 1:32 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
This whole past week has been incredibly busy. I wouldn't have had time to post whether I wanted to or not. Not to mention the fact that my internet went out for over a week! I have been going early in the morning to the MCAS training course thing, which so far, I have found to be barely profitable. I am not really going anywhere with this, but who says I have to? It's my blog! Anyway, one of the things that has been on my mind more and more recently is this year's "Teen Service." I have been brainstorming ideas for the music, and messages, given I am involved with either. I would absolutely love to preach again, but word on the street is that others are anxious to do the same. I don't have to, I was just wondering. I ramble a lot, don't I?
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
To the very few of you who read this blog, I hope that you had a spectacular 4th of July, I most certainly did. Now, to the even fewer of you who care about what I post about, you can relax. I am finished with my history novel, for now... For the next few weeks, I plan on posting about my life. Today, I officially start the MCAS (Massachussetts Comprehensive Achevement System) training course today. I'm not too thrilled about it. FYI, for the past week and a half, I've gotten up at 11:45! Now I have to get up at around 9:00! That's absurd if you ask me, but that's just Life.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Happy 4th of July!

Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 29, 2007
Port Royal Island, SC
3 Feb. 1779
Maj. Gen. Moultrie defeated British detachment.
Kettle Creek, GA
14 Feb. 1779
Andrew Pickens and Elijah Clarke and their Georgia and Carolina militia defeated North Carolina Loyalist militia who were travelling to Augusta to joint the British forces.
Vincennes, IN
24 Feb. 1779
Loyalists and Indians recaptured Vincennes, but George Rogers Clark forced them to retreat. On July 23, 1966, Congress recognized the importance of Vincennes by creating George Rogers Clark National Historical Park.
Brier Creek, GA
3 Mar. 1779
British Lt.Col. Prevost defeated Americans under Gen. John Ashe.
Siege of Charleston, SC
11-13 May 1779
Maj. Gen. A. Prevost had to break his siege when American forces under Maj.Gen.Lincoln approached.
Stono River, SC
20 June 1779
Maj. Gen. Lincoln engaged a British rear guard. Battle indecisive but many casualties.
Stony Point, NY
16 July 1American attacked with bayonets only. Extensive British casualties.
Newtown, NY
29 Aug. 1779
29 Aug. 1779 After 2 terrible massacres, American forces moved into Indian territory and burned villages. Iroquois and Seneca power was diminished although they remained hostile.
Castine, ME
July-Aug. 1779
American attempt to dislodge British along the Penobscot River failed.
Paulus Hook, NJ
19 Aug. 1779
Successful American surprise attack on British outpost.
16 Sept.-19 Oct 1779
American Army under Maj. Gen. Lincoln failed to dislodge British from Savannah.
Morristown, NJ
Winter 1779- 1780
Sheltered the main encampments of the American Continental Army and served as the winter quarters of its commander-in-chief, General George Washington. On March 2, 1933, Congress recognized the importance of Morristown by creating Morristown National Historical Park.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 4:30 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
6 February 1778
France signed a treaty with the Continental Congress which would provide troops, ships and supplies to America.
Philadelphia, PA
18 June 1778
British abandoned Philadelphia and moved to New York.
Monmouth Court House, NJ
28 June 1778
American troops held the field but it was not a clear-cut victory. Dr. Lumpkin writes that this "was the last major set battle between American and British regular forces in the northern theatre of the war."
Kaskaskia, IL
4 July 1778
Town captured by Col. George Rogers Clark.
Savannah, GA.
29 Dec. 1778
The first event of the Southern Campaign.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:42 PM 14 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Vacation Bible School
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 9:55 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
A Break From the History Lesson...
Although at first, it's surprising to see a musical about the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the viewer is soon caught up in the politics and emotions of this important American event. It should be watched more than once, because it can be appreciated on several different levels. There are some of the biggest laughs, some of the most poignant moments, and the sweetest love songs you'll see in movies. Much of the dialog is taken straight from the documented letters and conversations of the principal characters, and we get to see them as real people with real worries and real feelings, rather than as the marble statues seen in the history books. This is definitely a must-see movie (and stage play, if you get the chance), and one you won't forget.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 2:55 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Princeton, NJ
3 Jan. 1777
Washington defeated British brigade.
Treaty of DeWitt’s Corner, SC
20 May 1777
Cherokees sued for peace and lost most of their land east of the mountains.
Oriskany, NY
6 Aug. 1777
British column with Iroquois warriors attack from Oswego. Rescue troops ambushed.
Battle of Bennington, VT
16 Aug. 1777
British General John Burgoyne detached Hessians, British regulars, Loyalists and Iroquois against Bennington. American militia attacked and defeated the British.
Fort Stanwix, NY
23 Aug. 1777
Benedict Arnold intended to siege the fort but the Indians and Loyalists deserted and the British retired. On August 25, 1935, Congress recognized the importance of Fort Stanwix by creating Fort Stanwix National Monument.
Brandywine, PA
11 Sept. 1777
Americans under George Washington were defeated but retreated in good order.
Saratoga, NY
19 Sept. –17 Oct. 1777
General John Burgoyne surrendered his British Army to American Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates. On June 1, 1938, Congress recognized the importance of Saratoga by creating Saratoga National Historical Park.
Paoli, PA.
21 Sept. 1777
British troops attack with bayonets and surprised Americans. Americans called it the "Paoli Massacre."
Germantown, PA.
4 Oct. 1777 American attack on British positions failed.
Valley Forge, PA
Winter 1777-78
Winter camp at Valley Forge under terrible conditions. On July 4, 1976, Congress recognized the importance of Valley Forge by creating Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Morristown, NJ
Winter 1777
Sheltered the main encampments of the American Continental Army and served as the winter quarters of its commander-in-chief, General George Washington. On March 2, 1933, Congress recognized the importance of Morristown by creating Morristown National Historical Park.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Quebec, PQ
1 Jan. 1776
Daniel Morgan involved in an attempt to take Quebec City. Morgan taken prisoner.
Moore’s Creek, NC
27 Feb. 1776
North Carolina militia defeated Loyalist Scots inflicting heavy casualties. On June 2, 1926, Congress recognized the importance of Moore's Creek by creating Moore's Creek National Battlefield.
Boston Evacuated, MA
17 Mar. 1776
British Navy moved to Halifax, NS, Canada and Washington’s Army occupied Boston.
Three Rivers, PQ
8 June 1776
Patriot attempt to take British position failed.
Sullivan’s Island, SC.
28 June 1776
British naval attack failed when the palmetto logs held against the bombardment. On September 7, 1960, Congress recognized the importance of the battle on Sullivan's Island by creating Fort Moultrie National Monument as part of Fort Sumpter National Monument.
Cherokee Attack
1 July 1776
Incited by British royal agents, the Cherokee attacked along the entire southern frontier.
Lyndley’s Fort, SC
15 July 1776
Patriots defended against attack by Indians and Tories dressed as Indians.
Seneca, SC
1 Aug. 1776
Ambushed by Cherokees, Patriot forces saved by a mounted charge.
Tugaloo River, SC
10 Aug. 1776
Cherokees defeated by Andrew Pickens.
Ring Fight, SC ?
Aug. 1776
200 Cherokees attacked Andrew Pickens and 25 militia. From a circle, firing in turn, the patriots held off attackers until a rescue force arrived
Tamassy, SC
12 Aug. 1776
Col. Williamson and Andrew Pickens defeated large Cherokee war party and burned the Indian town, Tamassy.
Long Island, NY
27 Aug. 1776
George Washington’s army defeated but escaped by night in the fog.
Harlem Heights, NY
16 Sept. 1776
Nathanael Greene involved in engagement against British and Hessians. British driven back to their lines.
Coweecho River, NC
19 Sept. 1776
Col. Williamson’s patriots were attacked by Cherokees south of (now) Franklin, NC in a gorge known as the Black Hole. Americans eventually cleared the pass.
Valcour Island, NY
11 Oct. 1776
With makeshift boats on Lake Champlain, Benedict Arnold engaged a British squadron. Arnold was defeated but delayed the British until it was too close to winter to continue their campaign.
White Plains, NY
28 Oct. 1776
British and Hessians (4,000) attacked Americans (1,600) and defeated them but British casualties (300) exceeded the Americans (200).
Fort Washington, NY
16 Nov. 1776
American commander surrendered Fort Washington to the Hessians.
Fort Lee, NJ
20 Nov. 1776
Lord Cornwallis captured Fort Lee. Nathanael Greene abandoned the position.
Battle of Trenton, NJ
26 Dec. 1776
George Washington crossed the Delaware River and surprised Hessian brigade and defeated it.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 6:24 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Lexington, MA
19 April 1775
First shots fired in the Revolution. "The shot heard ’round the world." On April 14, 1959, Congress recognized the importance of Lexington and Concord by creating Minute Man National Historical Park.
Concord, MA
19 April 1775
American militia defeated British regulars.
Fort Ticonderoga, NY
10 May 1775
Americans captured fort and its artillery.
Bunker Hill, MA
17 June 1775
British drove Americans from Bunker Hill. On October 1, 1974, Congress recognized the importance of Bunker Hill by creating Boston National Historical Park.
3 July 1775
George Washington assumes command of Continental Army.
Ninety-Six, SC
10-21 Nov. 1775
Patriots sieged by Tories. Ended in truce. On August 19, 1976 Congress recognized the importance of Ninety Six by creating Ninety Six National Historic Site.
Great Bridge, VA
11 Dec. 1775
Virginia and North Carolina patriots routed Loyalist troops and burned Norfolk
Great Canebrake, SC
22 Dec. 1775
Col.Thomson with 1500 rangers and militia captured a force of Loyalists.
Snow Campaign, SC
23-30 Dec. 1775
During campaign against Loyalists in the Upcountry Patriot militia impeded by 15" of snow.
Tommorow: 1776
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 4:21 PM 0 comments
4th of July
For the next 9 days, I will make my best effort to cover every influential year previous to, and during the Revolutionary war. I don't mean to brag, but some of you are aware of my intense interest in the Revolution. So, my readers, sit back, relax, and enjoy the wonderful history of our early nation...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 4:12 PM 1 comments
To any of you with a blog:
I'd love to include a link to your blog on mine!
Leave your name, and URL in the "Comments" section.
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Teen Boys: High Point
For reasons that are crystal clear, I know that the Teen Boy's trip to HP Camp will not be the same as last year. New people, new cabin arrangements, and other things will be changing our camp experience, hopefully, for the better. So under "Comments," tell me what you think will be great about our trip. What are you looking forward to? Post it now...
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 12:37 PM 2 comments
Obviously, internet is a whole new world to me. I have recently created a Skype account for myself. All of you are welcome to put me on your contacts list. After all, the more contacts I have, the less of a loser I am, right? :-)
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 10:10 AM 1 comments
A Well Deserved Apology
To all of you who viewed the same imature post for nearly a year, I apologize.
I'll actually try to keep up with this one, granted everything works out "Technology-Wise."
Posted by Joshua Bradbury at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: My First Post